SpacePulse: Combining Parameterized Pulses and Contextual Subspace for More Practical VQE

Published in arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.17423, 2023

This paper explores the integration of parameterized quantum pulses with the contextual subspace method in the framework called SpacePulse. Parameterized quantum pulses offer a more flexible and efficient approach to quantum computing compared to traditional quantum gates, potentially accessing areas of the Hilbert space that are inaccessible with a CNOT-based circuit decomposition. The computation of the contextual correction generally requires fewer qubits and measurements compared to solving the complete Hamiltonian via the traditional Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE), improving computational efficiency. By combining parameterized quantum pulses with the contextual subspace method and a Pauli grouping strategy, SpacePulse minimizes the quantum resource cost for the VQE and enhances the potential for processing larger molecular structures, making the VQE more practical. PDF